Result Analytics

Result Analytics

Students can take the exam multiple times and get detailed result analysis on each attempt. Every attempt each student makes on an exam is scrutinised and relevant data are portrayed via visually appealing graphs. Here are a few sample graphs for the students/mentors to get feedback on the exams.

Attempt Summary

This tab contains the logged in student’s statistics for the last attempt he/she made on that quiz.

My Progress and Predictions

This tab contains several sub-tabs which as a whole gives the idea of how the logged in student has fared over time and the hardest question he/she faced. There’s also a tab specifically for exams offering multiple attempts to show the student a predictive analysis depending on other student’s attempts and best scores.

Question Categorie’s Analysis

This tab is dedicated to the categories/tags all the questions are associated with. The graphs here in the sub-tabs shows the question distribution among categories and also an idea of how challenging each of the categories proved to be.

Scores’ and Question’s Stats

This tab contains sub tabs, showing the number of students in each grade category and the other providing a throtough analysis of all the questions present in the quiz.

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